Its now almost like an annual trip to Indonesia to meet up with the boys again. We had gone through the itinerary a few rounds, adding and removing destinations and stops along the way and as usual, I have left the liaising very much to Saras. Yes, contrary to my own trips, this is the time when I have the luxury to just sit back, relax and follow. But what I do know is we usually have crazy itineraries and that’s one of the main reasons I think no one else would ever join us for our annual trip. On hindsight now, after looking through all my photos, I think we really covered a lot of places in just a week. Please do not try to follow what we did because we hardly got any sleep. 🙂 Yes, so a very special thank you to Dani who had to drive throughout the trip.
I have decided to have this written in 4 different parts. We arrived in Yogyakarta, moving on direct to Dieng, drove through Magalang and headed south to Gunung Kidul area before heading back to Yogyakarta again. Part 1 – Dieng; Part 2 – Magalang; Part 3 – Gunung Kidul area; Part 4 – Yogyakarta.